Create sprite or Texture2D from TextureName on OpenGL


As title, i want to ask how to create a Sprite or Texture2D from a texture name already with OpenGL.

More details is : I have capture image from Java code then pull it to a SurfaceTexture with input Texture ID so how can i get that texture out with cocos2d-x. ( v3.8.1 )

For now i’m using JNI to transfer image data to cocos2d-x but i think it is not so performance.

thank you.

  1. save it out as an image file “img.png”, then fire off callback w/JNI to create Sprite normally from image
  2. create class derived from Texture2D, add constructor/init or a method to set the _name field, add JNI support to pass in the GLInt (you may have to pass or set up other aspects of the texture like mipmaps, texParams, etc)
  3. other

Thank you for answer @stevetranby

case 1: i do not want to save file and load back ( i can use transfer image data via JNI )
case 2: i’m try but no success. that target is GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES and i don’t know how to use it or cocos2d-x support it or not.

thank you

Just giving some ideas. I’ve never tried to do any GL stuff on the Java side, nor have I used this texture extension.

This seems related:

You would use a shader with the extension and uniform for the texture.

#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require
// Our WebView's texture! Note that it is NOT (And can't be) sampler2D
uniform samplerExternalOES uniform_texture0; 

Using the texture through cocos2d-x API would require custom code since that type is unsupported, but it’s similar to using a Cube Map

// see CCTextureCube.cpp : 193
glGenTextures(1, &handle);
GL::bindTextureN(0, handle, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP);

// or CCGLProgramState.cpp : 114
_glprogram->setUniformLocationWith1i(_uniform->location, _value.tex.textureUnit);
GL::bindTextureN(_value.tex.textureUnit, _value.tex.textureId, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP);
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thank you, will check it out