Crash when running in Android Emulator

Hello all,

I get the trouble when trying to run the game on Android Emulator (Android 4.2.1). It works fine when I run in a real device, but not the emulator. Please help me :frowning:

I attached my Emulator below.

The error is

02-15 22:20:33.921: E/AndroidRuntime(613): FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 78
02-15 22:20:33.921: E/AndroidRuntime(613): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No configs match configSpec
02-15 22:20:33.921: E/AndroidRuntime(613): 	at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$BaseConfigChooser.chooseConfig(
02-15 22:20:33.921: E/AndroidRuntime(613): 	at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$EglHelper.start(
02-15 22:20:33.921: E/AndroidRuntime(613): 	at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
02-15 22:20:33.921: E/AndroidRuntime(613): 	at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

1.png (45.9 KB)

In Android Emulator settings , you should check “Use Host GPU”/“GPU emulation”.

Cocos2d-x requires OpenGL 2.0

You need to get your emulator to support that.

There are many ways.

BTW, I get about 20 of these a day in my crash tracking system – people trying to play the my game on an emulator.

Can you explain more? I’m a beginner :slight_smile:

corytrese wrote:

BTW, I get about 20 of these a day in my crash tracking system – people trying to play the my game on an emulator.

I tried this way but it showed the black screen and no more :;angry

Ryeeeeee wrote:

In Android Emulator settings , you should check “Use Host GPU”/“GPU emulation”.

Download the genymotion and install (its pretty easy)

Enter into jni folder in ,on project that you created using cocos2dx
APP_ABI := x86


Configure genymotion is so easy, to put your app at geny you just need to drag and drop.

i hope it works for you.

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