Couldn't find the font file

I used the .fnt font .I run my game successful locally.I can use the .fnt font
But I upload the game to the sever.
There are errors.
“GET 404 Not Found 13ms”
I do not know why

Hi, Zheng Jie

It’s possible that you haven’t correctly preload the font file, you need to add it to your scene’s preload list like this:

    cc.LoaderScene.preload(resources_list, function () {
        director.replaceScene(new this.startScene());
    }, this);

Then you can use this font.

The possible reason that it works locally but not on your server, it’s because file can be loaded super fast.


no I wrote these codes :
cc.LoaderScene.preload(resources_list, function () {
director.replaceScene(new this.startScene());
}, this);

and the .mp3 file still couldn’t find

I was wondering if the errors are from server

Hi, Jie

in resources_list, have you put the resource in it?
it should look like this:

var resources_list = [
    {src : 'res/font/myFont.fnt'},
    {src : 'res/Music/bgMusic.mp3'},
    {src : 'res/Music/bgMusic.ogg'}

Note that you need both .mp3 and .ogg file in your list, because chrome doesn’t support mp3, and safari doesn’t support ogg


no…not that proble
I change a server and it can find the .fnt. but couldn’t find the .mp3 file.
the console show:

200 OK

403 Forbidden

Sorry then, I don’t know how to help you for that, it’s probably a server issue.

OK anyway thank you