Configuring CMake to link to alsa/sound

Hi All,
I’m new to cocos2d-x and CMake for that matter. I’m trying to experiment with a couple of ideas, for which I need to link to libraries that I have installed system wide, in this particular case, alsa/sound. I’ve been googling without much luck, could anyone point me how to update my CMakeLists for this to work? I can compile a program using alsa by invoking g++ with the -l asound directive.

Thanks a million

So it was my lack of knowledge with CMake, the way to solve it would be adding this snippet to your CMakeLists.txt fie.

find_package(ALSA REQUIRED)                                    
if (ALSA_FOUND)                                                
    target_link_libraries (${APP_NAME} ${ALSA_LIBRARIES})