Compress all js file into one

I got two errors. for the file is compressed and Obfuscated, I donot know how to solve it.
anyone give some idea?

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘tagName’ of null Baccarat-compress.js:898
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: Qm Baccarat-compress.js:47

I use the compress file as the same as the examples in cocos2dhtml5.

ant task,

and in cocos2d-html5, samples/games/MoonWarriors/MoonWarriors-compress.js
this file do not have a showcase.

Now I confirm that the cocos2d_externs.js is wrong.
I test compress all js files by simple, It is ok.
But If I choose advanced, it does not work.

Thanks akan,I had checked it.

The build.xml file of MoonWarriors missed two files of CCComponent.js and CCComponentContainer.js.
I have tested it on debug mode, and the code of sys[“capabilities”].hasOwnProperty(‘keyboard’) is broken in advance mode.
It will be fixed next morning. Sorry for broken that.