compilation error: Constant expression evaluates to -1 which cannot be narrowed to GLuint

I get this exception on line 43 in ccGLStateCache.cpp:

static GLuint s_uCurrentBoundTexture[kCCMaxActiveTexture] = {-1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,~~1,1, };
In essence my compiler is dissatisfied that
1 is used when an unsigned int is expected — in all 16 occurances. There are other places in the code base where this occurs.

It would be nice if the author would explicitly typecast each –1 to unsigned int, or use a predefined macro or definition, say static GLuint GLUINT_MINUS_ONE = (GLuint)–1;

I prefer not to fiddle around with library code as then I would have to be modifying each new release version.

This also may be solved with compiler flags, which elude me — anyone?


Using: cocos2d-2.0-rc2-x-2.0.1, Xcode 4.4.1, Apple’s LLVM 4.0 compiler/GNU99/C++11.