Command "cocos compile" in Cocos2d-x v3 geting error with 'ant'

Hi All!

After 3 days install and test, run, fixe error Cocos2d-x V3, now I can do something:

Run command cocos new ( by window cmd)
Run command “python” in my new project ( I must use cygwin cmd)

but I have a problem

****/ I can’t compile my project = command "Cocos compile … " it still run, but in the end I getting a error "Q:\ANDROID\ant’ is not recgonized as an internal or external command "

I knew this is an error by ANT but I can’t how to fix it.

The ANT_HOME, ANT_ROOT, I’ve set before, %ANT_HOME/bin% set in Path is ok

check command line

ant -v is ok

but check command line


getting line : Buildfile: build.xml doesn’t exist! Build failed.

How to fix it? ANybody know, help me

If I run command like this

…/myproject/GAME/>ant debug

directory bin now appear include apk file.

is that compiling OK??

@kiddi2202 did you check out this step?

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  • Fast
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  • Community Supported

and are you have any others language Name folder(like chinese or Korean)