Code IDE Framework Mode or Engine Mode

For framework v3.7 and Cocos IDE v2.0 do you still need to use Android NDK r9d or is r10e fine? Does it matter?
@CitizenK do you know?


I’m using r10d, but r10e should be fine.

I created a project with Cocos Console (which creates an .idea folder in the project) then I imported the project into Cocos IDE v2.0 but I’m not exactly sure how to debug in it. I can run the projects fine using Cocos Console but I’m not exactly sure how to debug the project. I cannot edit the run/debug configurations to setup iOS Simulator or Android.

Why you don’t create the project with Cocos Code IDE v2.0?

It should be the same as Cocos Code IDE v1.2.0 to run/debug with default runtime.

Cocos CODE IDE is no longer in active development so I’m going to use my preferred IDE and Cocos Console is going to become compulsory in the future so I might as well start using it now.

I have read that post.
The All in One Cocos Studio should cover the process in the future.

I have learned to use Cocos Console too.
For the current moment, i only use it to compile the project.

I have tried the “NEW” command to create project but i faced your problem that i don’t how to debug in Code IDE.

That’s why i figured to combine the project created by Cocos and Code IDE. I’m not sure it is the proper way but at least for me, it is easy and save time.

I solved my problem by updating from NDK r9d to r10e then it compiled successfully.