Cocostudio autoResize root panel according to screen

I have all my widgets under root node positioned “by percent” so I am sure they are scaled correctly.
The problem is that root widget doesn’t have “percent” options so it does not adapts to screen.

I did some research and found this: .

The percent option mentioned in the link is not available in the newest version of coco studio. Why?

Anyone? Seems like a basic thing

Are you sure?

I have the newest one,, and the percent option for the root node is there.

We are talking about the Windows UI editor, right?

I tested it with cocostudio
Just check “Adaptive Resolution” at root node.
It works as expected.

Okay I found the problem:

The UI is animated and that is what messed it up since animation doesn’t care about “Adapt resolution” flag.
Every frame has few fields like this. As you can see below the position is not percent value which sucks:

 "colorb": 255,
            "colorg": 255,
            "colorr": 255,
            "frameid": 0,
            "opacity": 255,
            "positionx": 480,
            "positiony": 320,
            "rotation": 0,
            "scalex": 0.01794721,
            "scaley": 0.01794721,
            "starttime": 0,

Does any one know how to fix this?