CocosDenshion on Release ARM

Hi all,

Sorry for my bad english.

I use cocos2dx 2.2.1 and successfull running my game on Debug and Release mode.
But, there is one strange result that Sound Effect not play on Release mode.
It play fine on Debug mode, but not on Release Mode.

But, background music can play well.

I don’t know why. Please help. :slight_smile:

Working here. Any other details?

I run directly to my device with Release ARM active. Background Music play well but no sound effect.
Strange, when i disconnect usb, and try my game about 2 times, open and close, suddenly sound effect play with no problem.
Then i connect usb again and run directly to my device Release ARM and sound effect not play again.

Details, details.

What type of device? HTC plugging into Win7? Do you have the official HTC media-aware drivers installed? Or the Google ones?

Are you using a Motorola in landscape while on USB with the Motorola drivers?

What version of the NDK?

What OS and toolchain are you building it with?

What version of the ADT?

My Device : Nokia 520 Window Phone 8.0
Cocos2dx : 2.2.1
Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone
OS : Windows 8.0