CocosBuilder, cocos2d-x, CCLabelBMFont and resources-auto

Hi Guys,
My folder structure looks like this:


Cocosbuilder Publish settings looks like this:

Flatten Paths OFF
Publish to zip file OFF
Only publish ccb-file OFF
Automatic scalling from 2x
Publish directory Publish-iOS

Publish-iOS folder after publishing process looks like this:


In code I have set SearchPaths to “Publish-iOS” and SerachResolutionOrder to “iphone” for old iPhone and “iphonehd” for retina iphone.

Everything works great. My images are scaled, and after publishing files from CocosBuilder I can run game without any additional copy operations.

The issue is when I decided to use CCLabelBMFont. I realize that I have to create two fnt files for iPhone and iPhone retina. Where should I save fnt files ?
I can’t save these files under resources-auto directory becuase they can’t be scaled automatically. I would like to use Cocosbuilder thinking about points not about a resolutions and I don’t want to copy files manualy.