请问cocos2dx2.2for wp8的支持js吗?


Not yet. Please use English in future.

James Chen wrote:

Not yet. Please use English in future.

if I do jsb by myself, is there any suggestion?

Why there is no plan to port jsb to wp8, are there some big obstacles?
Is it possible to do the port job by myself?

You need to build Spidermonkey for WP8.
The source repo is at https://github.com/ricardoquesada/Spidermonkey

I know how to build these codes in windows using mozilla build tool. But the mozilla build tool is not native target at wp8, are you sure I can build spidermonkey for wp8 just by modify the mozilla build tool configuration? Is there any success case?
thank you for your answer

I know how to build these codes in windows using mozilla build tool. But the mozilla build tool is not native target at wp8, are you sure I can build spidermonkey for wp8 just by modify the mozilla build tool configuration? Is there any success case?
thank you for your answer

I know how to build these codes in windows using mozilla build tool. But the mozilla build tool is not native target at wp8, are you sure I can build spidermonkey for wp8 just by modify the mozilla build tool configuration? Is there any success case?
thank you for your answer

zili wang wrote:

But the mozilla build tool is not native target at wp8, are you sure I can build spidermonkey for wp8 just by modify the mozilla build tool configuration?

you’d better ask yourself if you can
