Cocos2dx vs cocos2d iphone 5 scaling

I have a problem with Cocos2dx iphone 5 resolution if my designResolutionSize is 480x320. It has different behavior than Cocos2d.
To explain it as easy as possible I created an image with 4 cases (cocos2d-iphone4, cocos2d-iphone5, cocos2dx-iphone4, cocos2dx-iphone5).

I added a black frame image on two sample applications (cocos2d and cocos2dx samples) to see the difference.
As you can see I got a problem with Cocos2dx on iPhone 5, it is scaling everything so edges are cropped.
Also, I dont know why, on Cocos2dx on iPhone4 black frame image is a little bit smaller than original size.

- Cocos2d iPhone 4
(black frame image has same size on iPhone 4 and iphone 5 under cocos2d)
- Cocos2d iPhone 5
(black frame image has same size on iPhone 4 and iphone 5 under cocos2d)
- Cocos2dx iPhone 4
(black frame image has same size as cocos2d)
*- Cocos2dx iPhone 5 (PROBLEM WITH SCALING!)*
(black frame image is scaled)

I dont understand why size is scaled and I dont know to make same behavior as in cocos2d.
FYI, Black frame image is a CCSprite. I also tried it with a CCScale9Sprite.

Captura de pantalla de Simulador iOS 06.02.2013 17.14.15.png (459.7 KB)

You need to set the design resolution to the same size like the frame I guess?!

Then place your stuff based on relative position