Cocos2dx-lua 3.2 ,sdkbox facebook setListener() callback error!

When i click login btn, select the user to log in, and then click check btn, you can get userid accesstoken, but sdkbox.PluginFacebook:setListener () does not respond,


@yinjimmy can you take a look?

yes, i reproduce this issue. ;(

UPDATE: I test it in a wrong way. There are many bundle ID for the test app.:

  1. facebook.cpp and facebook.lua installed in my device, when I login success, facebook invoke the facebook.cpp. Thats why I can not get the callback dump, event the breakpoint, did not tricked in XCode.

  2. after remove the facebook.cpp, everything is ok. so plz check your app setting in facebook website.

[LUA-print] dump from: [string "app/views/MainScene.lua"]:42: in function <[string "app/views/MainScene.lua"]:40>
[LUA-print] - "========" = {
[LUA-print] -     "data"       = ""
[LUA-print] -     "isLoggedIn" = true
[LUA-print] -     "name"       = "onLogin"
[LUA-print] - }
[LUA-print] login successful

[LUA-print] dump from: [string "app/views/MainScene.lua"]:42: in function <[string "app/views/MainScene.lua"]:40>
[LUA-print] - "========" = {
[LUA-print] -     "data" = {
[LUA-print] -         "__debug__"     = ""
[LUA-print] -         "email"         = "xxx"
[LUA-print] -         "first_name"    = "Jianren"
[LUA-print] -         "id"            = "652283638237521"
[LUA-print] -         "installed"     = ""
[LUA-print] -         "is_silhouette" = "false"
[LUA-print] -         "last_name"     = "Yin"
[LUA-print] -         "name"          = "Jianren  Yin"
[LUA-print] -         "picture"       = ""
[LUA-print] -         "picture_url"   = ""
[LUA-print] -         "score"         = ""
[LUA-print] -     }
[LUA-print] -     "name" = "onGetUserInfo"
[LUA-print] - }


Very good. It can be tested in IOS now, but Android has this problem again,

plz remove all your test app, than reinstall your game to test this funciton.