cocos2dx extensions namespace invalid with 2.0.2 release

Hi all,

Been playing with Cocos2d-x for a few months now and have it working and a couple simple apps made. However, I recently updated to Cocos2d-x 2.0.2 and I’m getting an invalid namespace type issue with this line in the main.cpp file:

using namespace cocos2d::extension;

If I go back to 2.0.1 everything works just fine. I’ve updated my CREATE_FUNC calls from LAYER_CREATE_FUNC to CREATE_FUNC but still, same issue. My setup is Windows 7, using eclipse for an android project. The only thing I change is to update to 2.0.2 from 2.0.1 and it doesn’t work, move back to 2.0.1 and everything works just fine…

Thanks for any assistance. For now I’ll just move forward with 2.0.1, but I’d prefer to use the latest.