Cocos2Dx + Chipmunk_Pro + QtIDE(portable project version)

Hello forum users. I try to build a portable version of ligaments: Cocos2dx + Chipmunk_Pro + QtIDE (for convenience only and compile). In many ways an example for me was Yufei Zhang. I spent quite a few times already but the project all the same language on CCPhysicsSprite, but rather when we add it to the function addChild (); Knowledgeable and experienced. ask for help in the assembly of this miracle. / / Sorry for my English. I was helped by Google translate

file: // in your resource file is not able to download the file …may be a problem in the modem

there is anyone alive?

tell me the code is correct?

CCPhysicsSprite *sprite = CCPhysicsSprite::create("alien.png"); sprite->setCPBody(body); sprite->setPosition(p); this->addChild(sprite); // this = inherited from CCLayer

OLEG Zzz wrote:

tell me the code is correct?
CCPhysicsSprite *sprite = CCPhysicsSprite::create("alien.png"); sprite->setCPBody(body); sprite->setPosition(p); this->addChild(sprite); // this = inherited from CCLayer

Yes I think it good.
Do you compile game for iOs with qt?
Could you give some tips or tutorials, if yes )

Our project for linux Desktop platform. Maybe ubuntu touch… time will tell