Cocos2dx 3.12 & SDKBox - Cannot find module with tag './sdkbox' in import path

After installation of an SDKBox module failed, I’ve followed the manaual instructions but when compiling for Andoid Studio, I’m getting the floowing error… “Cannot find module with tag ‘./sdkbox’ in import path”. Any ideas?

I have the same for a few days now. Did you found the resolution?

Hi Rene,

Not really a complete solution as more problems came up but one thing I did with a fresh install was to install the IAP module first and then the Share module which was then one causing the problem.

JapanDev, thank you very much for your reply. Appearantly somehow similar, to ‘solve’ the problem I created a new cocos2d-x project, installed the IAP module as the first thing (twice because only the second time it succeeded, the first attempt said ‘failed’. Also appearantly on a Samsung tablet only up to a android-19 build seems to be working with the IAP.