cocos2dx 3.0

I have got the following messages:

COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT was already added. Edit “registry” for manual changes

Please restart the terminal or restart computer to make added system variables t
ake effect.

The messages is not error messages , go next step "cocos new *** " please!


(Assuming you are on OSX with 3.0rc0)

I think that says that the cocos registry variable was already added. You can check that looking at Users/YourUser/.bash_profile. That’s a hidden file, you check that you can see hidden files on your Mac.

But, most importantly, as the console said, that is not an error message. You can still go on and use

cocos new MyGame -p com.your_company.yourgame -l cpp -d ./yourFolder

to create a new game project!

Hope this helps, let me know if you have problems!


I am getting error
“cocos: command not found”

I tried all the steps mentioned in install

./ and adding environment variables to .profile

Here is the console log


Setting up cocos2d-x…

-> Adding COCOS2D_CONSOLE_ROOT environment variable… ALREADY ADDED

-> Looking for NDK_ROOT envrironment variable… FOUND

-> Looking for ANDROID_SDK_ROOT envrironment variable… FOUND

-> Looking for ANT_ROOT envrironment variable… FOUND

COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT was already added. Edit “/Users/gamebox/.profile” for manual changes

Please execute command: “source /Users/gamebox/.profile” to make added system variables take effect

gamebox:cocos2d-js$source /Users/gamebox/.profile

echo $PATH contains

How to create new game with cocos command from console - I’m on Mac OS

Hi, indygamer.
I had a “cocos: command not found” issue on “cocos new …” command after setting up cocos. Solved it by commenting this line in .bash_profile:
Use # in the beginning of the line to comments it.
It appears that Python3 is not supported by cocos2d-x installation scripts.
Hope this helps.

I had the same problem that indygamer but i’m working on Linux, how can i fixed?