[Cocos2dx 3.0] How to update touched tile's opacity?

Hi, I have a tile map and I try to update touched tile’s opacity.

Here is a code snippet:

void GameLayer::onTouchesEnded (const std::vector& touches, Event* unused_event)
    auto touch = touches.at( 0 );

    auto touchLocation = touch->getLocationInView();
    touchLocation = Director::getInstance()->convertToGL( touchLocation );
    touchLocation = convertToNodeSpace( touchLocation );
    log( "convertToNodeSpace: %f, %f", touchLocation.x, touchLocation.y );

    auto tileCoordinate = getTileCoordFromLocation( touchLocation - board->getPosition() );
    log( "TOUCHED: %f, %f", tileCoordinate.x, tileCoordinate.y );

    auto cell = board->getTileAt( tileCoordinate );
    cell->setOpacity( 100 );

Point GameLayer::getTileCoordFromLocation (Point location)
    Point tileCoord;

    tileCoord.x = location.x / board->getMapTileSize().width;
    tileCoord.y = ((board->getLayerSize().height * board->getMapTileSize().height) - location.y) / board->getMapTileSize().height;

    return tileCoord;

I actually take this snippets from the forum and tried to adapt them, but it doesn’t work:;qst properly.

Please help, I’m stuck with this thing…

Ok. I figured that out!

how did you do it?