Cocos2dx 3.0 and xCode 6 (IOS 8)

I am trying to build with xCode 6 and I am getting this error:

    Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_luaL_addlstring", referenced from:
      _qpdecode in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _b64decode in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _b64encode in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _b64pad in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _buffer_meth_receive in libluabindings iOS.a(buffer.o)
      _recvall in libluabindings iOS.a(buffer.o)
      _recvraw in libluabindings iOS.a(buffer.o)
  "_luaL_optnumber", referenced from:
      _mime_global_qpwrp in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _mime_global_wrp in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _buffer_meth_setstats in libluabindings iOS.a(buffer.o)
      _buffer_meth_send in libluabindings iOS.a(buffer.o)
      _global_select in libluabindings iOS.a(select.o)
      _meth_listen in libluabindings iOS.a(tcp.o)
      _timeout_meth_settimeout in libluabindings iOS.a(timeout.o)
  "_luaL_addstring", referenced from:
      _mime_global_qpwrp in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _mime_global_wrp in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _qpencode in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _qppad in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)
      _eolprocess in libluabindings iOS.a(mime.o)

Here some screenshots:

I’m having a similar link issue the only thing is that my link error only happens when I add
bool onTouchBegan(cocos2d::Touch *touch, cocos2d::Event *evt);
I’m using Xcode 6.0.1 and Cocos2dx 3.0.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
“HelloWorld::onTouchBegan(cocos2d::Touch*, cocos2d::Event*)”, referenced from:
vtable for HelloWorld in HelloWorldScene.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Okay, I’m an idiot: i forgot the HelloWorld:: prefix.

Dear Batymahn, I have the same problem with you. Could you please describe your solution in detail? Thank you very much!

I forgot to type: “HelloWorld::” before the implementation method. For example,

void HelloWorld::touchesEndded(Event *evt)){

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Dear Batymahn,

Thank you for your solution. I found it. Many thanks :slight_smile: