cocos2dx 2.2 setDesignResolutionSize failed

I use Xcode 5.0.3 cocos2dx 2.2
when i use pEGLView->setDesignResolutionSize(720.0f, 480.0f, kResolutionShowAll); inAppDelegate
Cocos2d: cocos2d: WARNING: Image (256 x 32) is bigger than the supported 0 x 0
Cocos2d: Assert failed: opengl view should not be null
It.s OK when i not setDesignResolutionSize

post your entire method, I’m on 2.2 and use setDesignResolutionSize and kResolutionFixedWidth works great!

Cory Trese wrote:

post your entire method, I’m on 2.2 and use setDesignResolutionSize and kResolutionFixedWidth works great!

Thanks for your time,I got my mistake.
It is must setOpenGLView(CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()) befor setDesignResolutionSize
But it is not nessesary on 2.1.* .:slight_smile: