Cocos2dJS: Some TTF fonts work and Some don't when compiling for iOS. Why is that?

I am currently facing this problem with custom TTF fonts. I used the Marker Felt.ttf font from the examples and it works on browser and also when compiling to native iOS. But as soon as i switch the font to my another custom ttf font, it breaks and defaults to system font.

Also one thing to note, if i change the filename of the Marker Felt.ttf font and use the new name, it also breaks. Is there any other way Cocos2dx reads font on native?

I am using Cocos2dJS

Cocos Console 2.1

Is anybody facing a problem, or am i missing something basic here?


Are you Preloading Font file in resource.js ?

For example:
srcs:["…/cpp-tests/Resources/fonts/Thonburi.eot", “…/cpp-tests/Resources/fonts/Thonburi.ttf”]

Nope i am not preloading the font but using it like this.

//setting font
cc.gameData.FONT = ‘res/fonts/Marker Felt.ttf’;
} else {
cc.gameData.FONT = ‘Niagaraphobia’;

The thing is, why does the Marker Felt.ttf font works and not others.