Cocos2d-x3.3 and AndroidManifest PERMISSIONS

How are you?
I am using cocos2d-x 3.3.
I am building android game.
I need Android permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

So I add it to AndroidManifest.xml.
By the way, from Android 6.0, because of security reason, even we add permission to AndroidManifest.xml it doesn’t work any more…
So need to add permission during launch app by coding…

But when I built android app with cocos2d-x3.3, and add permissions to AndroidManifest URL.
And run app in Android 6.0.1, but permission is working well…
When we use cocos2d-x engine, we don’t need add permission by code for later version of Android 6.0?
Thank you
Best Regards

android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE is a critical permission, so you need to ask at runtime for permission. Long time ago, I’ve create an example for such a runtime permission dialog with cocos and published it on I’ve testet the proj.ios_mac and with this.

If you have questions about the implementation, feel free to ask.

PS: Because it’s 2 years old, it’s not the latest cocos version, but you asked for 3.3, so I hope it will work.
PPS: Don’t ask for permission at “app launch”. Only ask at the moment you need the permission.
PPPS: Why do a game need READ_PHONE_STATE?

Thank you for your kind reply.
let me check your links