Cocos2d-x - XCode 9

Hi there,

I tried to build my project (v3.15.1) with XCode 9 and got some errors. I fixed those using a framework version from the master branch where this has already been solved, but more bugs appeared after that.
I’m not sure whether I was using the correct version or not.

Does anybody know what version of Cocos2d-x works correctly on XCode 9? I’m in somewhat of a loss right now :smile:

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

I compiled it without any problems and changes. You just doing something wrong when getting some errors in your some code.

What version are you using? Is it the official one downloaded from or a version from github?

I am fine as well. I use Github always.

Updated to XCode9 and met the “system/command” - thingy error with v3.15.1. Tries github version but encounters
“fatal: Needed a single revision
Unable to find current revision in submodule path ‘plugin’”
oh, i downloaded on github while the status for V3 ios build is “failing”. (Does it matter?)

I had all sorts of issues using various version after upgrading to XCode 9. Amazing how many issues went way when I closed and re-opened XCode, though!

Fixed. Created a new directory for cocos2dx, then went on again on the github install. XD Happy coding !!!