cocos2d-x wp8 CCTextFieldTTF (chinese-charactor bug)

I found in windows phone platform , if in chinese mode, CCTextfieldTTF run discorrect, the font is correct, if someone correct this bug, please tell me , thank you

Yeah, while CCLabelTTF using system fonts cannot show correctly as Windows Phone does not allow access to system fonts from C++. We will solved it as soon as possible using open source TTF font file. Thanks.

I use arialuni.ttf in Resources\fonts to show Chinese, pr: [[]], it test Ok in TextInputTest.cpp and LabelTest.cpp.

I am sorry, I did not say clearly, the font’s bug, i have been corrected, but now, i use CCTextfieldTTF, i found, if i input chinese-charactor, you can find something with this control
i want to input “中国”, if i input "z g"to link “中国”, at last you can find a result is “z g 中”, i check the wp8keyboard.cpp, and inputEvent.cpp, I found when i press “中国”, no event to be post

so , if you resolve this issue, plese tell me, and you can tell me by QQ:435832656, thank you so much!

bug created.

thank you so much, and i will try to call xaml to resolve it

I use cocos 2.2.3,can i use CCEditBox on wp8.

excuse me, did your guys solve this bug?

excuse me, has did your guys solve this bug?