cocos2d-x with imgui

Hi all,

I’m writing a demo , imguix. It shows how ImGui works with cocos2d-x.

One embedded “editor” in cocos2d-x:

It’s very easy to get ImGui works with cocos2d-x on OS X, thanks to ImGui portable.

But, i got some problem on windows, here is some information:

  1. ran cocos2d-x game normally, means the OpenGL driver is ok.

  2. call CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG() after ImGui::Render();

    #define CHECK_GL_ERROR_DEBUG() \
        do { \
            GLenum __error = glGetError(); \
            if(__error) { \
                cocos2d::log("OpenGL error 0x%04X in %s %s %d\n", __error, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
            } \
        } while (false)
  3. got OpenGL error 0x0501 when hide the game window:

    Ready for GLSL
    Ready for OpenGL 2.0
    OpenGL error 0x0501 in classes\helloworldscene.cpp HelloWorld::onDraw 101
    OpenGL error 0x0501 in classes\helloworldscene.cpp HelloWorld::onDraw 101

The project is here :
Would anyone help me to solve this problem ?

Any pull request is welcome.


Hey continuing the correspondence from github ,
im working on this also now .
please check this cocos2d-x thread talking about integrating other openGL GUI


Good job!
can you share what you did ?

Using the programmable pipeline instead of fixed pipeline, ref to iOS example in ImGui.
I’ll update the tomorrow.

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Wow guys good work, I normally use ionicframewok with cordova for my applications. Maybe I can try creating an application with this.

Thanks, hope it useful for you.


My new game editor screenshot. It mimics Unity editor.

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Great stuff , did you open source it ?

Not yet so far. I am thinking about the open source but it will take times.