Cocos2d-x vs Cocos2d XNA

Jacob, is what you are saying is that MonoGame also implements the technology and uses the XNA API surface? So I could then, in theory, write my game using XNA and could link against either Microsoft’s implementation of XNA or MonoGame’s?

Yes, in all of our games, we start with WP7 but set a target resolution to whatever target device we really want, e.g. iPad, iPad2, etc.

Once it’s done on WP7, we make the project files for the other platforms, build, and push to the markets.

Really, no lie, it’s that easy. We test the devices often for Android though b/c of the profile fragmentation, but iOS and Windows Phone we don’t really worry about problems.

If we are doing a console game, then we start with Xbox 360 and work to Ouya and Windows/MacOS Desktop.

If you are building on windows 8 or Linux, then you’re starting with MonoGame from day one.

If you are on Visual Studio then we have VSIX files that make it easy to start your cocos2dxna project. Soon we will have a branded nugget repository where you can get the templates. For now, the extensions gallery (online) has them available if you search on cocos2d-xna.

There is your proof. We took that objective-c template and rewrote it for cocos2d-xna and then pushed it to every platform listed in that repository. It works on Microsoft .NET XNA and MonoGame XNA. I demonstrated it at the Xamarin Evolve 2013 conference - you might be able to see video of the lightning talk at

For those who still do not think we can do XNA on Windows Phone 8:

point your VS at the gallery and get the vsix for Windows Phone 8. Build and run. Done.