cocos2d-x ver3 action blink in Sequence doesn't executes , single action does , why my questions almost never answered?

i have strange situation where i try to run blink action as part of Sequence
on sprites Although the method getNumberOfRunningActions returns 1 the sprite dosn’t blink.

where pMatchedSymbolArray is array of ReelSymbol Sprite extendet class

class ReelSymbol :public Sprite 
    		virtual bool init(); 		 
            void setup();
    		static ReelSymbol* createWithSpriteFrameName(const std::string& spriteFrameName);
    		int getIntFromName(std::string key);
            Settings* pSettings;
     for(ssize_t a=0; a<pMatchedSymbolArray->count();a++)
           auto actionBlink = Blink::create(2, 5);
           auto repeat = Repeat::create(actionBlink, 2); 
           ReelSymbol* symbol = ((ReelSymbol*)pMatchedSymbolArray->getObjectAtIndex(a));
           auto actionSequence = Sequence::create(
                                                    CallFunc::create( std::bind(&LinesManager::AnimationUnitCallback, this, symbol,pMatchedSymbolArray->count()) ),
            ReelSymbol* thisReelSymbol = ((ReelSymbol*)pMatchedSymbolArray->getObjectAtIndex(a));
            thisReelSymbol->runAction(actionSequence);// NOT WORKING WITH SEQUENCE
            int no = thisReelSymbol->getNumberOfRunningActions();
            CCLOG("getNumberOfRunningActions: %d",no);
    void LinesManager::AnimationUnitCallback(Node* sender,int iMatchedSymbolArrayCount)

the sprite blink only if i run:

    auto actionBlink = Blink::create(2, 5); 
    thisReelSymbol->runAction(actionBlink );

How can i check what is wrong here ?
is there any easy methods to debug such situation ?

Amazing my questions almost never answered …
or even tried to be answered … frustrating.
and i contributor to this open source framework

This topic is 193 days old but I recently came across a similar problem.

Try to implement void onEnter() and void onExit() in your ReelSymbol class.
( onEnter() calling “Layer::onEnter()” super call and onExit() calling “Layer::onExit()” )
