Cocos2d-x v3.5beta0 Released

Hi all,
We are happy to announce that Cocos2d-x v3.5beta0 is available.
##3D Particles
3D particles has been supported by importing particles from Particle Universe ( The usage of particles is as follow,

Option 1, create 3D particle with particle (.pu) file and material file

auto rootps = PUParticleSystem3D::create("lineStreak.pu", "pu_mediapack_01.material");

Option 2, you can also create 3d particle with particle (.pu) file only, it will load all the material files in the material path

auto rootps = PUParticleSystem3D::create("advancedLodSystem.pu");

In cpp-tests/Particle3DTest test case, we have show detailed information of its usage.

##More info
Please read more in Release notes and Change Log to get more info about new features and bugs fix.
It is appreciated that you can report any bugs and unexpected behaviours.



After the huge delay in v3.3, this was quick!

Can I ask when we will see v4?

How is the progress on providing gesture recognition? I’d like to be able to easily provide controls like in Hungry shark- a goes anywhere analogue stick. Even if I’ll never be able to match their graphics.

1 Like

wow. this is amazing.
nice job guys.
Ty for your hard work,

Please, create toggle fullscreen at runtime for Mac and Win32.

Somethings wrong with the Changelog:

cocos2d-x-3.6beta Apr.14 2015
    [FIX]           Sprite3D: memory leak

3.6beta? April? Back to the future :smile: