Cocos2d-x v3.15rc0 is released



  • full Android Studio supports: include editing, compiling and debugging c++ codes: doc
  • audio engine uses tremolo to decode audio files on Android: high performance and more adaptable to different Android devices
  • WebSockets and SocketIO supports SSL
  • AssetsManagerEx is more stable
  • update Spine runtime to v3.5.35
  • update flatbuffer to v1.5
  • update OpenSSL to v1.1.0

Full release note can refer to here.

You are appreciated if you can test it and give some feedback. We will release final version in a week if not serious issues are found.


Ha. So, for linux you deleted 32 bit support. But for windows, there only 32 bit standart way. I want 64 windows too:_)

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I think there were issues building with latest android command line tools. Can you please mention the recommended android tools version and ndk version to use with v3.15?

@Effolkronium the goal to delete 32-bit linux support is to reduce the maintain work as there are 32-bit and 64-bit libraries exists. For windows, it only has 32bit, and it is not easy to use command line to build 3rd party library so we don’t want to move to support only 64bit.

@schngrg i think there is not problem using build tools under 25.3. The NDK version is ok with r11+ though i always use r13. The information is in ReadMe. If a special NDK version is needed, then we will mention it.


In the document, the first 2 links are not available (Installation Prerequisites and Android Command-Line Instructions).

I understand how to select the required version of android sdk, but how can I choose a specific version of ndk (like r13b)?

Good job. Thanks to the team!


If I open your last link and then open the Full Changelog link, then I do not see any changes for 3.15. Is this the right version of the document?

Yep, it is broken, i will fix it.

It seems Android Studio doesn’t provide the ability to select NDK version. I am not sure if can change the NDK version by modifying the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/ndk-bundle.

It is because i don’t synchronize the changelog to v3 branch. And the link is link to v3 branch. If i add a link of v3.15 branch then it will be broken since v3.15 branch will be removed after releasing.

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Thanks for the reply!

Link to 3.15 CHANGELOG.

If I use tremolo audio decoder on Android.
Which audio format is recommand to use?
ogg or mp3?

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Both are support.

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Those docs are available in production:

Thanks for your helpful work.

But I’m still waiting for full support C++ of Creator.

Please make android studio compile compatible with console old style compile for Android - it is very critical for us. Console should work also:)

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Thank you guys!

Special thanks for fixing

@energyy full support of Android Studio and console old style compile can not work together. Currently, you can use console to compile Android Studio project too. I am not sure what’s the problem.

xmm, will check again - when was trying console command was throwing error at the end of the build.

Ok, make sure you use new version of cocos console.

@zhangxm @slackmoehrle Does new Android Studio debug supports prebuilt cocos libraries? New way taking some time.

Read the release notes but cannot find any NDK version information. What NDK do you recommend for 3.15?
