cocos2d-x v3.1-rc0 released


We are happy to announce that cocos2d-x v3.1 rc0 is available for download:

Highlights of v3.1

  • Sprite3D, a new node to render 3D models
  • Improved Shader subsystem
  • New, unified, math library
  • ui::VideoPlayer, a new node to play videos

For further information please read:

We would appreciate if you can test this version and report any possible bugs.
Thank you!

great job!:slight_smile:


new project compile error.

cocos new test3_1 -l cpp -p

open project in xcode,compile,get errors:

in AssetsManager.cpp line 27
#include <curl/curl.h> ‘curl/curl.h’ File not found

run and it will fix that (and potentially others)

Did you use released zip file or use github codes?
If you use github to synchronize codes, then you should do as @slackmoehrle said.

And i have posted news to mention the modification.
And also created a thread for it too.

How can I update an existing 3.0 project to a new 3.x version?

I’d just download v3.1, unzip it, rename the folder to cocos2d and replace your existing folder with the new one. Making sure to back everything up first. or rename the existing one so that you can do back.

There are changes between 3.0 and 3.1 that you will need to fix.

This does yield you more than what you need, but for me the completeness is worth it. That way if a new version of cocos2d-x comes out and I dont want to upgrade that project. I can still build it, bug fixes, etc. It is a complete package.

@slackmoehrle thank you for your answer.

Hey guys,

I am making a game with cocos2d-x V3.1, there is a small thing that i am unable to figure out.

Here are the details i would really appreciate if anyone could help me out with it.