Cocos2d-x ui is horrible

The cocos2d-x ui namespace needs to be perfected it’s horrible.
So much bugs and issues simple layout positioning is a burden it’s not good at all.
Some one needs to fix it in 3.15!

Yes, I agree. So the team has totally rewritten the UI system in cocos2d-x-lite and engine Cocos Creator.

You can play with Cocos Creator a bit, can see if the new UI system can meet your requirement. In my idea, the cocos2d-x-lite could be the cocos2d-x v4, but it’s still in discussion.

ok few at least you guys are working at it that’s good!

(No offense intended, just stating some info as caution)

While the team is doing a lot of great work where they’re directing their focus, don’t depend on anyone (community or core team(s)) to add much, if anything, to the c++ code base.

While v4 may come to pass, it won’t be backward compatible, and while it won’t be too painful to port from v3 it probably won’t be easy, especially if you’ve already used a bunch of the features removed in cocos2d-x-lite.

If you want future enhancements or improvements consider jumping over to CocosCreator and Javascript, or even start investing in another engine+editor if you’re still in an early phase and don’t really like cocos2d-x (c++).

Otherwise you’ll need to roll your own UI with one of the many available GL triangle/command producing libraries such as imGUI, nuklear, etc. Or even look at pulling out the UI system from within cocos2d-x-lite and use it directly (or possibly with Creator’s editor using the export to C++).

Moral of the story is v4 has been “in discussion” for at least a year already and will very likely not release until at least 2018, so I wouldn’t wait for it.


How do you find it this modern day? I think its fairly straightforward