cocos2d-x supported platform versions


Can you please update the wiki so that it lists which SDK versions cocos2d-x supports on various platforms? It seems that there is no information about this at all (except some forum posts).
Afaik, in case of Android only Android 2.1+ is supported but what about iOS?

I think it would be a good to have this information listed on the main wiki page.

Thanks in advance!


Today is our “middle-autumn festival” in China, we are in carnival now. Cheers!

Ah, sorry, didn’t know that. Have fun then :slight_smile:

OK, the document is written [[Platform versions supported by cocos2d-x]]

Thanks guys! I just have one more question: why iOS support is limited to 4.x? Is there anything special in cocos2d-x that requires iOS 4? There are still plenty of iOS devices running iOS 3.x, e.g. the iPhone 3G.

You can try to run it on iOS 3.x.
I’m not sure if it’s supported, since we have no 3.x sdk & device to test it. When the cocos2d-x started in 2010, it’s the time of 4.x.

Thanks for the response. Actually I’ll release my next game (first game with cocos2d-x) a bit later for iOS than for Android, but I’ll tell you if I could make it run on iOS 3.x.

@Daniel I’d love to hear from you whether cocos2d-x works on iOS 3.x Could you please run all cocos2d-x tests and publish your results?


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It seems that, CCTextField on iOS invokes some api offered by iOS 4.

That’s pretty bad news. Maybe I’ll spend some time to try to eliminate that dependency, but not now, as I’m quite busy with the Android version so far.