Cocos2d-x schedule_selector help

I am having this problem in cocos2d-x 3.0rc. I am using nuggeta for my game but
there is problem in these lines
SEL_SCHEDULE selector = schedule_selector(Net::openWebViewMainThread);
Error: Static_cast from ‘void (Net::)()’ to ‘cocos2d::SEL_SCHEDULE’ (aka 'void (cocos2d::Ref::)(float)’) is not allowed
Plesae help if you have any idea why is this issue is rising.

I’ve the same problem. Also problem with the callfunctionN_selector, almost the same error.


I found that your function must declare a float argument like (float dt), even if you are not going to use it, otherwise you can’t use the schedule.

my original function:
void createWave();

I changed to:
void createWave(float dt);

then I can schedule it:

Also your class has to be a child of a coco2d-x object/node. if it’s any other class you can’t schedule it.

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Hi aqeelraza,

i’m pleased to annouce you that Nuggeta support the latest version 3 of Cocos2dx.
So you won’t have these errors anymore.
The documentation has also been updated here:!documentation/client-setup/cocos2d-x

Hope this help.


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No documentation at all.

Try to declare a float variable in your method, like:

Net::openWebViewMainThread(float dt){}

and in your schedule_selector give a float value like:

SEL_SCHEDULE selector = schedule_selector(Net::openWebViewMainThread,1.0);