cocos2d-x QNX apps versioning

Hi all,

I’ve port my android game with cocos2d-x to QNX for blackberry and I’ve already build the bar file in the Device Release folder successfully.

When I try to export a release build after doing some update
I got this Error: Code signing request failed because this file has been previously signed.

My question is how to update the bar file if I fix some bugs or add content ?

thanks for any reply

Hi I have this problem too. Can C2D-X developers make a wikipage with exact steps how to build a C2D-X game, sign it and deploy on the appworld?

Ha, suddenly, signing works from QNX momentics. I guess my tip is to request more keys at once and use a new one every time signing doesn’t work.

You can sign only once per version. So if you sign 1.0.0 buildnumber 1 and want sign again after some changes - increase at least build number.

You can set up automatic build numbering to ease your pain somewhat: