Cocos2d-x or SDKBOX or Facebook SDK IPv6 issue

@nite @zhangxm

We today were trying to setup Facebook thru SDKBOX on Android.
We got issue, that all requests got very slow, like app sending request to facebook and nothing happens for 20-30 seconds. App can’t send request also to our server. Then after 30 second - we getting back response and app starting to work normaly sending receiving requests quickly.

Same app based on cocos2d-x 3.15.1 on IOS works perfectly.

The after googling we found out this:

Which was stating that there could be issue with ipv6 connection and after 20 seconds android switching to ipv4. In our office was set ipv6 network for test purpose, so we decided to disable it - and after that app started to work normally without delay.

So I’m assuming there is somewhere issue with IPV6 support, as I see new cocos2d-x 3.15.1 have new HTTP jar so maybe it have issue or SDKBOX?

Some other thread.

I haven’t received similar feedback from other developers.

3.15.1 doesn’t includes new HTTP jar, it is a jar to communicate with Huawei devices driver.

How about disable PluginFacebook::init() ?

Even if the facebook has a ipv6 connection issue, it should not affect the entire application of the network.

I mean there inside java/libs file: android-async-http-1.4.9.jar for previous releases it was android-async-http-1.4.8.jar - I wanted to replace it back, but then cocos2dxdownlaoder complained about missing some functions - so I’m assuming you something changed there but not sure:) in good way or not.

Probably due we were gathering facebook data to send to our server, there was delay on requests while facebook request not finished. So I’m now not sure - where exactly is issue with iPV6 - facebook/cocos/sdkbox/server setup.

The jar file is not updated in v3.15.1, it is updated in previous version. And it is updated to fix some bugs as you mentioned missing some functions. And i don’t think it is something with IPv6 issue.