Cocos2d-x or Creator

Which tool should i get started with to build the games cocos creator or cocos 2d-x?

Hi @vivekrawat1

It really depends on your programming experience? Do you feel comfortable using js or c++? Personally, I started with Cocos Creator, because to me it’s more user-friendly than Unity, and even though I’ve never programmed before in javascript, i managed to finish my 2 games using it ( **well, they’re 90 % finish-still waiting for physics engine to be implemented in Cocos Creator :grin:), with the help of the community, and some research. If you are a newbie like me, then start with Cocos Creator, the learning curve is less and production time is less, cause you have a gui-editor, where you can place your nodes, etc…I’m more a visual person…The only drawback i see from Cocos Creator, is the lack of documentation ( examples, etc…) but hopefully that will improve in the near future…Please, be aware that Cocos Creator is improving, hopefully by May 2017, if not mistaken, version 1.5 comes out with the physics engine…:grinning:

If you want something more complete, and don’t mind the learning curve, then go with Cocos2dx, which most people use…Hope this helps… God Bless…



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I can agree with luke2125 BUT Cocos2d-x(I just started using it) and its really easy to use(Except for creating projects which is a pain). It gives you everything you need like physics engine, sprites and etc. Coming from XNA/Monogame as my first dive into game development and creating a few projects and then moving to Unity I can say this. XNA/Monogame does not give you anything to help you out and its a mess but Unity just gets in your way since you need to do everything there convoluted way. Cocos2d-x seems like the perfect middle ground. If you need an editor use tiled, sprite packer etc. You get way more control doing things without an editor being forced on you.

If you don’t have no programing experience you should probably use Cocos Creator and make a few games and then move down to Cocos2d-x.

Thanks to @luke2125.

We’re putting our major energies in Cocos Creator since 2016Q1. If you don’t like javascript, the C++ & Lua support in Cocos Creator will be available in this Q2, which will be published as an extension of Creator.

Generally speaking, if you’re totally new to both cocos2d-x and cocos creator, the creator would be a much better point to start with. From the feedback of our old users, the game development in creator can be 2 to 3 times faster then the traditionally cocos2d-x workflow.

Hi @walzer

Very true, I managed to finish my first game like in 3 months…I don’t consider myself an expert, cause there’s always room for growth, both as a game developer and human being of course. God Bless…

