cocos2d-x on surface RT (ARM)

I compiled test app for surface RT (ARM).
I just used arm libraries from the cocos2d-x windows Phone 8 libraries.

I downloaded two files from download section

Here are some pictures!

Helloworld on surface RT

Helloworld on surface RT

cocos2d-x Test app is running on surface RT

cocos2d-x ActionTest on surface RT

cocos2d-x ParticleTest on surface RT

cocos2d-x Box2dTest on surface RT

cocos2d-x ParticleTest on surface RT

Deokhyun Ko:

Thanks, finally a helpful hand to create workable version on WinRT. Can you attach the helloworld sample with all the libraries included ?

I just pushed on

It should be included all the libraries.

I hope it is helpful.

Eric Hung wrote:

Deokhyun Ko:
Thanks, finally a helpful hand to create workable version on WinRT. Can you attach the helloworld sample with all the libraries included ?


I download the helloworld project. The project give error on this line

CCSprite* pSprite = CCSprite::spriteWithFile(“HelloWorld.png”);

I am using VS2012 express edition for Win8.

Any help is appreciated.