cocos2d-x on linux

I use linux all the time and really wanted to develop cocos2d-x games on linux. The android emulator is too slow so I tried to build for native linux. By looking at the sample projects, I was able to create a custom makefile for my projects. Also, I added the functionality of “shift+f1” and “shift+f2” on native linux by slightly modifying the source code. I can write a script that can generate linux projects. After inspection, will you be willing to include that script in future cocos2d-x releases. It might help a lot of people.


Hello Mohammad,

I’m also using linux to develop (not only games), I think the process would be something like: forking the github project, add your scripts and issue a pull request.

For my side, I would like to check your changes if you don’t mind.

Hi guys,

I recently made some changes the linux build system to make a it a lot more friendly. They are in the master github repo now.
Changes include:

  • automatic dependency (.d) generation
  • quiet build output by default
  • ‘make run’ target
  • object files no longer stored in source tree (allows debug and release builds to exist side-by-side)
  • common makefile logic in central location.

I updated all the examples and templates to use the new system.

Seems that your changes are not there anymore, rollback?

My bad, I looked at the wrong changeset.