Cocos2d-x License: does Cocos2d-x contain/use libraries that require paying $$$ if used?

Are there any libraries/code in Cocos2d-x that require paying a license fee if used?

I just reviewed all of the licenses in the license folder in the 3.7rc0 release. None of them say anything about any fees for using them.

So one might think they can use Cocos2d-x without having to pay licensing fees…

But there might be code/libraries that were added that do require paying money to the owner of the code/library.

Is there oversight by someone to vet the licensing of a library or code before approving a pull request and that code/library becomes a part of the Cocos2d-x engine?

Is the licenses folder meant to be a single location to identify licensing information about Cocos2d-x? Or is there a different location where licensing information can be found?

I just found out that FMod Ex is included in Cocos2d-x (albeit just for Linux). But there is no license for it in the license folder. The use of the FModEx library requires paying $500 per platform that a game is published to if more than one game per year is published.


Just a minor correction – it is not more than one game published. For FModEx it is $500 flat fee per platform.

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@slackmoehrle can you please clarify where the definitive list of licenses are for Cocos2d-x.
Is it the licenses folder in the source code?
Or the github
Or somewhere else?

@Heyalda alright, let me look into this so I give you a complete answer

@slackmoehrle, any update on this?

It seems that the cocos2d/licenses folder is probably the comprehensive list of licenses for Cocos2d-x.

But can you please clarify if this is accurate.

I know that we had a group discussing licensing. Let me find out where this stands as I am not current on it.

Hey @slackmoehrle , I was looking into this today. Any update on this issue?

I don’t think we use any libraries that require paying. We are even trying to remove dependencies on libraries little by little. I have never had anyone come to me and say “I used your engine, but had to pay to deploy”.

@slackmoehrle did you figure out if the cocos2d/licenses folder is the official comprehensive list of licenses for Cocos2d-x? Or is it on the website somewhere, or elsewhere? Thanks.

It seems you forgot, that Spine is commercial. According to their licensing terms, you are only allowed to use the run-time, if you bought the editor. As cocos2d-x is distributing/containing the run-time for Spine(which is btw. illegal according to the developer of Spine), it contains code/libs that require paying.

I do believe we have an understanding with them :slight_smile:

Are you sure about that?

I will surely ask. @ricardo might know our relationship with them also.


The posts on the Spine forum seem to suggest to stay away from the Spine run-time provided by cocos2d-x, as the Spine run-times are not Open Source.

It would be really helpful to get feedback from both sides.

As the post in my link is a year old now, things might have changed.

I thought that I was told we have a relationship with them. I could be wrong. I will double check with the person I recall hearing it from. Also @ricardo will chime in as well.

@iQD: Yes, you are right. We shouldn’t ship the spine runtime. In fact, this is something that I discussed with @walzer and @ShunLin before.
@ShunLin Are we going to remove the spine-runtime from cocos2d-x ? or perhaps replace it with a script that downloads it from the spine github page with a dialog that tells you to agree with the license ?

Good point. @walzer @ShunLin Any idea?