Cocos2d-x JS 3.0 & In-Apps

According to this topic:

Hey @sortris,
Currently we do not support JSB on v3 of Cocos2d-x, mainly because of their breaking change in JSB.
We only support JSB on Cocos2d-x v2.

So to answer your question, you cannot currently use JSB on v3.

We’ve got this in our pipeline, but we don’t have a release date for this yet.

Soomla do not support JS in Cocos2d-x 3.0. So what to use to manage In-Apps?
Kind regards.

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Could you answer me quick guys? I need this information.

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Currently there is no support for IAP in cocos2d-JS. It is a shame since it is important to most developers to be able to sell in-app content. I am not sure if there is still a way to access IAP directly from JS at all without some underlying C++ engine.

I really need this too and I wish soomla would update their system.

@RobotMonkey @sortris
Hi, we do have iOS IAP support in Cocos2d-JS with plugin-x, here is its document:

@pandamicro: thanks, what about Android?

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My mistake, that is great news for sure! Thanks!