Cocos2d-x for Blackberry 10

I’ve downloaded the blackberry IDE and Simulator.
I have also downloaded the latest cocos2d-x zip file from the website.
Inside the zip file it has some sample blackberry cocos2d-x projects.
However, when I build and run there are a few errors:

cocos2dx/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libcocos2dx.a Wl,…/…/…/…/cocos2dx/platform/third_party/blackberry/libraries/x86/libtiff.a
/Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find
/Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find …/…/…/…/extensions/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libextensions.a: No such file or directory
/Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find …/…/…/…/external/Box2D/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libBox2D.a: No such file or directory
/Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find …/…/…/…/external/chipmunk/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libchipmunk.a: No such file or directory
/Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find …/…/…/…/cocos2dx/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libcocos2dx.a: No such file or directory
cc: /Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld error 1
Build error occurred, build is stopped

Has anyone successfully make this work on the blackberry ide and simulator?
I am trying to make it on time for the blackberry port-a-thon…

I also get the following:
Description Resource Path Location Type
cannot find -lCocosDenshion TestCpp C/C*+ Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
cannot find …/…/…/…/cocos2dx/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libcocos2dx.a: No such file or directory TestCpp C/C*+ Problem


At the time of importing the project you are required to select the box2d, chipmunk and other extra things that you are using in project then this error will not come.

I’ve reimported everything….
I still get the following 2 errors:

Description Resource Path Location Type
cannot find lcocos2dx HelloCpp C/C*+ Problem
cannot find …/…/…/…/cocos2dx/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libcocos2dx.a: No such file or directory HelloCpp C/C*+ Problem
/Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find
/Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld: cannot find …/…/…/…/cocos2dx/proj.blackberry/Simulator/libcocos2dx.a: No such file or directory
cc: /Applications/bbndk/host_10_0_9_404/darwin/x86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld error 1

What am I doing wrong?


you are also required to select your hello project

Hi, I have similar problem with QNX Momentics, it have many bugs, and one of them is it can correct create path for libs sometimes.
Take a look in this link


I ask something similar.
I expect this can help you.

Thank you…

Those errors mean that you haven’t compiled the required prerequisites (cocosdenshion), or your references to the prerequisites are incorrect. Make sure you’ve imported all of the required project files into Momentics, and your project has the correct references to them (in project settings).


Ben Ward wrote:

Those errors mean that you haven’t compiled the required prerequisites (cocosdenshion), or your references to the prerequisites are incorrect. Make sure you’ve imported all of the required project files into Momentics, and your project has the correct references to them (in project settings).

how do we compile the cocosdenshion and other prerequisites for BB?

I use a workaround to make this thing work in QNX Momentics,

I copy and paste the TestCpp project and use it as a Starter project for my games, since everthing inside it compile and works, I use this to skip problems relative to libs in QNX Momentics.

Hi Fabio,

That works… but is not very elegant. We would ideally need to know how to create a project that works.

BTW, Cocos2dx templates should be ready to work…

I’ve been able to make everything work into a new project, but adding all the references manually. Everything works unless cocosdenshion, and I don’t know why, the references are there…

Hi Jesus,
you are right, it’s not an elegant way to do things like that, but I give up to try to configure correctly QNX Momentics, I lost many time trying to add the correct path to my libraries.