cocos2d-x first project coudn't run on android and stopped


I am a beginner in cocos2d-x. I followed the steps in the “Game Development Essentials” one by one.
I use the following:

  • cocos2d-x 3.5
  • eclipse with adt,
  • ant 1.9.4
  • ndk r9d
  • java 1.8.0_40
  • android sdk
  • genymotion as a virtual machine.

When I build the project it succeeds but if I try to run as android application i get error messages in LogCat (please see the attached files)

I am very confused. I’ve been working on that since yesterday at this time.
Please help me… (1.6 KB)

Your android program is only a frame to run cocos2dx game.
It needs to load your cocos2dx game library only then it will run it.
Before Eclipse builds Java program it will first run the to compile the cocos2dx library.
By looking at your build_log.txt, that your cocos2dx game libary failed to be compiled.

Exception: Build dynamic library for project [ C:\Users\Mus-T\Desktop\ColorSlide\…/ ] fails!

Therefore when you run your Android program it cannot find the library showing

04-29 22:16:26.724: E/AndroidRuntime(1321): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

Thanks for the fast answer but saying what I can read in the log files does not solve the problem. I want to know why it fails and what I can do to make it build successfully.

I think most probably it is something wrong with your Android SDK path, as what shown in your log

Android platform not specified, searching a default one…
running: ‘“C:\SDK\sdk\tools\android” update project -t android-19 -p C:\Users\Mus-T\Desktop\ColorSlide\’

Can you try running <COCOS_ROOT>\ and let us see what is the path for your Android SDK?

sure, here it is:

the problem is:
if I build it ( for the first time after creating the project with “cocos new NAME -p PACKAGE -l LANGUAGE -d DESTINATION” it builds everything correctly on the console…
but if I import the whole project ( & libcocos2dx) into eclipse it makes the errors in the logfile

Can you check if the exists in your proj.anroid/libs/armeabi folder?
If it exists, then maybe you can turn off the c++ build command setting in Eclipse like this
Just create a dummy file to let Eclipse execute so it won’t bother the NDK build process.

Else you can refer to the tutorials here

What do you mean with “create a dummy file”?
If I do that exactly like your screenshot it says
“Cannot run program “bash”: Launching failed
Error: Program “bash” not found in PATH”

Those two links you just send me, I already know them by heart (did that for at least 15 times) ^^

ok, there it is…

You need to use from cocos 3.4 to work (3.5 and 3.6 is broken). After it, if you compile and run, and get a ‘srand’ error, you need to specify android api level on


okay, thanks I’m gonna try that one… although there is a 3.6 since 2 days… I will try both of them :smile:

Normally I will compile the library file in command prompt with
Then i will create a the content is only like this

“# Build native codes”

(Without quotes)

If your cocos2dx library has already been compiled your program should run with Eclipse.