Cocos2d-x failed to run in Eclipse with ADT

  1. Environments:
    OS: Windows 7 64bit
    Cocos2d-x: 3.14.1
    ADT bundle: adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702
    NDK: android-ndk-r13b-windows-x86_64
    ANT: apache-ant-1.10.1-bin
  2. Steps:
    Execute under cocos2d-x;
    Create a new project by: cocos new …
    Open Eclipse with ADT
    Import new_proj/ and new_proj/cocos2d/cocos/platform/android/java
    Build All
    Run as android
  3. Error
    UnsatisfiedLineError: failed to load MyGame…findLibrary return null

What’s wrong with it? It seems that the shared libary miss but the apk file exist.

have your succeeding built share library?

Thank you. I’m really a beginner of cocos2d-x. After adding NDK building process, it works.