Cocos2d-x crash due to ccLayer->schedule(schedule_selector(…), …);

I have Android development background. A few days ago, I started to learn Cocos2d-x for game development. I was creating a simple splash screen and some menu screen but got stuck on some app crash issue. I want Splash Scene to stay for 3 seconds and to load MenuScene after that. So I tried to use schedule method to replace the scenes. But I am getting crash when it comes to execute the scheduled task.

/* this->schedule(schedule_selector(SplashScreen::endSplash), 5.0); */ CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getScheduler()->scheduleSelector(schedule_selector(SplashScreen::endSplash), this , 5, false, 0, 0 );
I have tried both methods but the endSplash method is never called. I even tried CCTimer , CCDelay with CCSequence but same result. Any idea where I am going wrong?