Cocos2d-X consulting : need assistance to set-up debugger for Android


we are working on series of kid games. We set off with Cocos2d, because we had a strong experience with Cocos2d on iOS, and logically chose Cocos2d-x for the porting.

So far, it’s been painful because of just one element: we’ve never been able to set-up the debugger.
And that’s why we’re calling for professional help.

It maybe over in one day, it may take more: we’re looking for someone with experience with Cocos2d-x on Android to sell his services.
Given that the task is fairly limited and well identified, we’d rather adopt an ‘on delivery’ agreement (with a downpayment of course), but if only time based invoicing offers come up, we’ll pick the most experienced proposal.



I am interested … i have been using cocos2dx for android past 3months …. lots of debugging done by me…you can contact me…thank you.