Cocos2d-x 3.2rc0 C++11 thread library not found

Continuing the discussion from CCConsole.h #include Thread file not found in Xcode:

I’m running into the same issue with Cocos2d-x 3.2rc0 and XCode 5.1.1, but a simple rebuild doesn’t fix it. After creating a new project, I can build and run the default “Hello World” Cocos2d app, but then after creating a new group and importing some image and sound resources, I run into the problem. I haven’t touched a line of code nor changed my compiler settings, and my build settings are set to use C++11 as the standard library as well as the language dialect (libc++ and -std=c++11).

Any suggestions or workarounds? Anyone else experiencing this?

i created the project again with cocos create commend then its working fine

Have you tried to compile using cocos compile -p mac -d"sourcefiles"?
Notice that you game goes to publish folder.