cocos2d-x 3.2 3D-Objects Blender?

This post is in response with

Can I use blender to create .obj and convert it to .c3b or c3t using tool that exists in tools/fbx-conv (tools folder is present in framework itself).
If this is not the correct way then how shall I make 3d objects and put animations to it?

Thanks :smile:

blender should be able to support fbx export, then you can convert to c3t or c3b

Yes, blender supports .fbx format

Below question is in regard to

Is .c3t file to be used in the same way as .c3b ?
I mean the code under Animation headline in the above wiki is using .c3b, so I was wondering whether there is another way of using .c3t format?

Thanks :smile:

From the few docs I found I understood c3t is same as c3b, the only difference is c3b is binary so is faster and lighter, but you can´t debug it (notice c3t is a json file).

In general you could use c3t for develop and c3b for release.

@ruben1 - I think that you are correct with that assumption. I understand the same thing.

Blender works and I also saw: although I haven’t tried it.

How to import blender animations to cocos2d-x