Cocos2d-x 3.16 and proj.win32 with visual studio 2017 dont add on package sqlite3.dll, libcurl.dll, libmpg123.dll, websockets.dll

I use cocos2d-x 3.16 and proj.win32 with visual studio 2017
This dont add on package

How can I solve the problem?


I dont have a Windows machine in front of me, but these should be installed as part of your 3rd party deps. How did you get Cocos2d-x? A .zip from our website or by cloning our GitHub repo?

Yeah, its pain to add every new project.
You can add those dll, open your solution project
Goto project properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies -> Edit -> add here all dll names

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unfortunately it seems that with the version cocos2d-x 3.16 it is not possible to create UWP app for windows. Why? Will this gap be covered in the future? When?

I actually don’t know if we are going to create UWP apps or not yet. IIRC we still only support 32-bit.

I’m struggling to publish my game in windows with win32. Unfortunately, however, due to this limitation I have no way of inserting advertising systems within it. And I can not try to get into the XBox market … support for UWP apps would be welcome.

We have an XBox-one port, but it never saw the light of day. I can’t even give it out to test.

@Rusty has put out a few XBox games, IIRC. @Rusty do you have any words of advice on what to do? I thought you had UWP working?

@dogwalker Do you have advice? I think you are using 32-bit as well?

@corytrese May also have advice. He (and his brothers) are very accomplished Windows and Steam developers.

What is the latest version of cocos capable of exporting UWP?

I don’t know about the latest version, but we have had good success with our Cocos2d-x v2.2.6 applications in UWP format.


I’m currently shipping two UWP titles issuing this:

  • Cocos2d v3.13.1
  • Visual Studio 2015

I don’t have any experience with 3.16 or VS 2017, but i appears @itchy72 has it working in this thread: Windows10 and cocos2dx-3.16

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