Cocos2d-x 3.14.1 RC0 now available!

We are going to start offering more RC builds in hopes the community can help us test and flush out any issues before we ship.

Cocos2d-x v3.14.1 RC0:

  • [FIX] May crash if using Scene::createWithPhysics() to create a scene and physics3d camera is not set
  • [FIX] May have link error because of glfw conflict on Linux
  • [FIX] Sprite: created from sprite frame with polygon information can not work correctly
  • [FIX] Lua: link error with VS2015
  • [FIX] Lua: compiling error if using cocos compile/run -p android --android-studio on Android

:slight_smile: Great!

Please do something with .ogg files on android 7.x (maybe lower too)

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Please update spine runtimes! Because I can’t open binary files from latest version. They’re crashing the app. I had to manually re-add spine runtimes and recompiles cocos2d-x. Problem is there were some changes in spine method (different arguments in listeners) so it was quite troublesome to fix :slight_smile:

It would be great if you added support for DragonBones :slight_smile:
Thanks for your work :wink:

This has already been released :slight_smile:

V3.15 is next

What about updating spine runtimes?

Have you created a GitHub issue for this?

Yup, now :smiley:

Thanks. This is helpful. I can ask the engineering folks to take a look at this.